The countdown is on! In just a few short days, the students in my school system return for a year of excitement, learning, and activities. I'm not really sure where the summer went, in fact, I'm really not sure where the last 25 years of teaching has gone. It really has left me in a daze! But the one thing I know is change is inevitable, and helping your student navigate change is important.
Our local system has a staggering amount of change from the top Admin office, down to principals and assistant principals, and on to teachers and parapros. Parents, encourage your child or teen to embrace change in a positive way. We can't stop the changes from occurring, so we have to learn lessons from them.
For us teachers it may be teaching in new ways, learning new things about students and innovative methods to reach those entrusted in our car - all of them - yes, even the one that makes you a little crazy! For parents, it could be new routines, or new schools. For students, they have new schedules, new teachers and classmates to get to know, and maybe even a few new opportunities for sports or extracurricular activities. Encourage your child to stretch themselves a bit this year!
Just as we teachers have to do, encourage your child or teen to embrace change in a positive way. I've learned that I cannot stay stagnant - as a mom, teacher, friend or colleague. I have lots to learn from other teachers - young and old alike. Teacher friends, we should never stop learning from each other. That sets a strong example for our students.
Parents, get to know your teachers and their needs. This teaching thing should be a 3-way relationship between the teacher, student, and parent(s). We are a team and we are in this together for the benefit of your student.
Students, if you are in my class get ready! I promise to treat you as if you are my own child and as I want other teachers to treat my biological kids. We've got a lot to do in Economics this year! We've got some state standards to master, and we've got a lot of personal finance to tackle so that you are ready for the "real world" after graduation.
So, to my teacher friends: I wish you the best this school year. I pray for all of us to have energy, patience, wisdom, and creativity. I pray for us to make a difference in our students' lives, and I know our students make a difference in our lives!
Get ready - School Daze are coming!
Pam's Pearls
Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you have dropped by. It is my prayer that you are encouraged and ministered to from God's Word as you browse. Just like a beautiful pearl is formed by pressure and irritants, so are our lives transformed into beautiful pearls that reflect God's glory by the trials and pressures we endure. Pour yourself a cup of tea or sip a mocha and feed your soul, a latte' I hope.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Sunday, December 4, 2016
The Gift of Your Choice
This time of year everyone is busy thinking about gifts - finding the perfect gift for someone, or maybe even making a list of gifts they themselves want to receive. But rarely do we stop to consider a gift that is right in front of us - all we have to do is unwrap it!
One of the greatest prophecies in the Bible is from Isaiah 9:6, "For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."
"A child will be born for us...." That gift of Christ is directly for ALL of us. He wasn't born for God, or for Himself, He was born for US! Let that sink in for a few minutes. Born for you, born for me.
As we find ourselves wrapped up in shopping, lights, parties and cooking, we also can't help but notice that life is still happening. Circumstances haven't stopped or changed just because of the holidays. I think God intended for us to unwrap the gift He sent very intentionally to us.
I don't know what you are experiencing this holiday season, but here are four specific gifts just waiting for you from Isaiah 9:6:
1. Wonderful Counselor - the idea of counselor is "one who speaks and urges certain directions of actions or thoughts" and wonderful means to "focus on the power of the wonder." If you find yourself in the middle of decision making about a job, a house, a relationship, a life change, or making a large purchase, or even something small like who to bless this Christmas season - Jesus is your help in decision making! There is power in allowing Jesus in on our decision making processes to guide us in just the direction He wants us to go. And my track record proves that His choices turn out better than mine every single time.
2. Mighty God - this phrase refers to "Jehovah the One True God" who is also a "valiant warrior." I have many friends currently fighting battles of cancer, finances, depression, diseases, relationships and so many more things. We have been given the gift of a God who FIGHTS FOR US! Often we just need to be still and allow Him to fight for us. He is our deliverer and our refuge in the storm.
3. Eternal Father - here Father means "one who causes something to begin" or an "adoptive father" while eternal means for an "unlimited duration of time." This is the gift I cling to because I miss my Daddy so much! Sometimes our earthly fathers aren't here - due to distance, death, or by choice. We have an Eternal Father who never leaves, is always with us - from before we were born til long after we have drawn our last breath. And He will be with us throughout eternity.
4. Prince of Peace - peace refers to "completeness, safeness or contentment" and Prince is someone "who oversees a task with authority." Our Prince of Peace has the authority to complete us because nothing else truly can make us whole. He protects us and keeps us safe. He makes favorable circumstances to abound that we often can't even comprehend.
The beginning of the verse tells us that the "government will be on His shoulders." Our shoulders are where we typically bear our burdens or we carry our stresses. Why do we do this when Jesus came to do that for us in these four ways as a counselor, a warrior, a father, and a prince with great authority.
Wherever this finds you this Christmas, you have an invaluable gift placed right in front you. One for which there is no substitute and none greater. Which gift do you need to unwrap?
One of the greatest prophecies in the Bible is from Isaiah 9:6, "For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."
"A child will be born for us...." That gift of Christ is directly for ALL of us. He wasn't born for God, or for Himself, He was born for US! Let that sink in for a few minutes. Born for you, born for me.
As we find ourselves wrapped up in shopping, lights, parties and cooking, we also can't help but notice that life is still happening. Circumstances haven't stopped or changed just because of the holidays. I think God intended for us to unwrap the gift He sent very intentionally to us.
I don't know what you are experiencing this holiday season, but here are four specific gifts just waiting for you from Isaiah 9:6:
1. Wonderful Counselor - the idea of counselor is "one who speaks and urges certain directions of actions or thoughts" and wonderful means to "focus on the power of the wonder." If you find yourself in the middle of decision making about a job, a house, a relationship, a life change, or making a large purchase, or even something small like who to bless this Christmas season - Jesus is your help in decision making! There is power in allowing Jesus in on our decision making processes to guide us in just the direction He wants us to go. And my track record proves that His choices turn out better than mine every single time.
2. Mighty God - this phrase refers to "Jehovah the One True God" who is also a "valiant warrior." I have many friends currently fighting battles of cancer, finances, depression, diseases, relationships and so many more things. We have been given the gift of a God who FIGHTS FOR US! Often we just need to be still and allow Him to fight for us. He is our deliverer and our refuge in the storm.
3. Eternal Father - here Father means "one who causes something to begin" or an "adoptive father" while eternal means for an "unlimited duration of time." This is the gift I cling to because I miss my Daddy so much! Sometimes our earthly fathers aren't here - due to distance, death, or by choice. We have an Eternal Father who never leaves, is always with us - from before we were born til long after we have drawn our last breath. And He will be with us throughout eternity.
4. Prince of Peace - peace refers to "completeness, safeness or contentment" and Prince is someone "who oversees a task with authority." Our Prince of Peace has the authority to complete us because nothing else truly can make us whole. He protects us and keeps us safe. He makes favorable circumstances to abound that we often can't even comprehend.
The beginning of the verse tells us that the "government will be on His shoulders." Our shoulders are where we typically bear our burdens or we carry our stresses. Why do we do this when Jesus came to do that for us in these four ways as a counselor, a warrior, a father, and a prince with great authority.
Wherever this finds you this Christmas, you have an invaluable gift placed right in front you. One for which there is no substitute and none greater. Which gift do you need to unwrap?
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Before & After Shots
Have you ever looked at Before/After pictures of weight loss or cosmetic claims and wondered if they were authentic? Maybe photo shopped or doctored up in some way? I often do. Chances are some of them are, and some of them probably are genuine.
Have you ever looked at someone's before and after snapshots of their life? Ever been around someone who is truly a different person from the inside out - their actions and reactions, priorities, and habits? True change does not happen easily or quickly. Just like with weight loss, it takes time and effort.
A few weeks ago my landlord decided the brick steps to my front door needed a makeover. The men he hired to replace them worked diligently for days. They steadily chipped away at the old bricks for several days. The bricks were stubborn, and some did not want to come up easily. It took much physical labor and consistent work because they were set firmly in concrete.
This is what it looked like when the bricks were removed and the pile of rubble was left. Not too pretty is it?
During this process I was reminded of how God works in our lives to change us, refine us, smooth off our rough edges and make us more like Him. It's not an easy process, nor is it quick or pretty. Some character traits require more work removing or changing than others.
One of the first characteristics that God went to work on me about 15 years ago was a sharp tongue. I could fire off an insult in an instant, or something I thought was funny that others didn't. I became under very heavy conviction that this was something that had to be chipped away if I was going to be used for God's purposes. And of course as the Master Carpenter began chipping away, I had plenty of practice of using my words for good.
Over the last 5-6 years God has done more chipping away on me. Fear was a big one. I didn't even realize I was a fearful person until I was forced in a position to be paralyzed by fear, or to trust God fully, sometimes only hanging on by my fingertips. When God first started chipping away at fear, some days I only had strength to not fear for one day at time. The battle started new every day when I awoke, if I had slept at all. (How to deal with fear can be another blogpost on another day.) Chip, chip, chip....another brick
Grace and mercy: Those who know me well, know I don't always have a lot of mercy. I love people and want to be merciful, but it does not come as first nature to me as it does some people. Through a divorce, and many life changes during that period, I learned it was important for me to show grace and mercy, even when I didn't think I had it in me - and I didn't have it in me. God's supplies our needs according to His riches, and He is rich in mercy and grace. Chip, chip chip....and another brick.
Finances and time: This was a big brick! God expects us to manage our money, time, and everything else He gives us, in a way that honors Him. My ways and His ways did not always match up. Through some serious and painful brick chipping I slowly learned about handling everything God placed me in charge of in new ways, and completely revamping the way I thought about finances especially. CHIP, CHIP, CHIP....another brick.
Teaching high school: When I went back into the classroom in 2007, I really went kicking and screaming. I had loved the part-time job I had been doing while working from home and being a stay-at-home mom. But God had other plans! This chip job took several years to complete. Nine years later I understand exactly why God put me back in a public high school, and while the job is challenging to say the least, I LOVE my kids, my colleagues, and what I teach. Chip, chip, chip, another brick.
Grieving and Loss: over the past few years I have lost five people that were very dear to me including a best friend and my Daddy. That pain and loss does something. It ushers in a deep sadness and if we are not careful, we allow that sadness to consume us, and those bricks can be excruciating to remove. More chipping away....
Needless to say, there have been many other bricks over the years as well that God has chipped on, and I know there are more to come. But I can look back and say "I look different!" Ephesians 4:21b-24 says, "...because the truth is in Jesus: you took off your former way of life, the old man (woman) that is corrupted by deceitful desires; you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; you put on the new man (woman), the one created according to God's likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth."
Often our patterns and habits are set in concrete like those bricks. We've repeated the same actions for so long we don't even realize how bad they are. God will certainly use our life circumstances and people around us for opportunity for change. One of my favorite lines from a Jars of Clay song says, "When good things are unraveling, bad things come undone." God will even use those things that are good to make drastic changes in our lives...maybe changes we didn't even know we needed to make.
And in case you were wondering....
Here is what the finished product looks like! So, what bricks do you have that God is trying to pry up? What habits need an overhaul? What are your Before & After shots looking like?
A few weeks ago my landlord decided the brick steps to my front door needed a makeover. The men he hired to replace them worked diligently for days. They steadily chipped away at the old bricks for several days. The bricks were stubborn, and some did not want to come up easily. It took much physical labor and consistent work because they were set firmly in concrete.
This is what it looked like when the bricks were removed and the pile of rubble was left. Not too pretty is it?
During this process I was reminded of how God works in our lives to change us, refine us, smooth off our rough edges and make us more like Him. It's not an easy process, nor is it quick or pretty. Some character traits require more work removing or changing than others.
One of the first characteristics that God went to work on me about 15 years ago was a sharp tongue. I could fire off an insult in an instant, or something I thought was funny that others didn't. I became under very heavy conviction that this was something that had to be chipped away if I was going to be used for God's purposes. And of course as the Master Carpenter began chipping away, I had plenty of practice of using my words for good.
Over the last 5-6 years God has done more chipping away on me. Fear was a big one. I didn't even realize I was a fearful person until I was forced in a position to be paralyzed by fear, or to trust God fully, sometimes only hanging on by my fingertips. When God first started chipping away at fear, some days I only had strength to not fear for one day at time. The battle started new every day when I awoke, if I had slept at all. (How to deal with fear can be another blogpost on another day.) Chip, chip, chip....another brick
Grace and mercy: Those who know me well, know I don't always have a lot of mercy. I love people and want to be merciful, but it does not come as first nature to me as it does some people. Through a divorce, and many life changes during that period, I learned it was important for me to show grace and mercy, even when I didn't think I had it in me - and I didn't have it in me. God's supplies our needs according to His riches, and He is rich in mercy and grace. Chip, chip chip....and another brick.
Finances and time: This was a big brick! God expects us to manage our money, time, and everything else He gives us, in a way that honors Him. My ways and His ways did not always match up. Through some serious and painful brick chipping I slowly learned about handling everything God placed me in charge of in new ways, and completely revamping the way I thought about finances especially. CHIP, CHIP, CHIP....another brick.
Teaching high school: When I went back into the classroom in 2007, I really went kicking and screaming. I had loved the part-time job I had been doing while working from home and being a stay-at-home mom. But God had other plans! This chip job took several years to complete. Nine years later I understand exactly why God put me back in a public high school, and while the job is challenging to say the least, I LOVE my kids, my colleagues, and what I teach. Chip, chip, chip, another brick.
Grieving and Loss: over the past few years I have lost five people that were very dear to me including a best friend and my Daddy. That pain and loss does something. It ushers in a deep sadness and if we are not careful, we allow that sadness to consume us, and those bricks can be excruciating to remove. More chipping away....
Needless to say, there have been many other bricks over the years as well that God has chipped on, and I know there are more to come. But I can look back and say "I look different!" Ephesians 4:21b-24 says, "...because the truth is in Jesus: you took off your former way of life, the old man (woman) that is corrupted by deceitful desires; you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; you put on the new man (woman), the one created according to God's likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth."
Often our patterns and habits are set in concrete like those bricks. We've repeated the same actions for so long we don't even realize how bad they are. God will certainly use our life circumstances and people around us for opportunity for change. One of my favorite lines from a Jars of Clay song says, "When good things are unraveling, bad things come undone." God will even use those things that are good to make drastic changes in our lives...maybe changes we didn't even know we needed to make.
And in case you were wondering....

Here is what the finished product looks like! So, what bricks do you have that God is trying to pry up? What habits need an overhaul? What are your Before & After shots looking like?
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Breathe Easy
I've known for a while that I needed to pen a tribute to my Daddy, but with Father's Day approaching, this is the first time I have been able to emotionally, and I know the closer the holiday gets, the harder this will be. Recently I saw a contest offered that asked for your best Dad Moment. As I attempted to write about a special moment, I realized I didn't have a Dad Moment. I had a Dad Lifetime.
There was never a time my Daddy wasn't there, until now. He attended countless dance and piano recitals, watched me cheer for the Pirates for 4 years of football and basketball, and then did the same for my kids years later. Mama and Daddy waited 10 years for a child, and then when I made my appearance I think Daddy decided even though I was a girl, he would try to still instill a love in me for cars and football. It worked. I still love both to this day.
My Daddy was a quiet man, but he led our family with strong Biblical and moral values. He was known to speak his mind in his timing and often if someone asked if I was his daughter I would often reply "Why?" before I answered, just in case he had spoken his mind. Although he held some very strong opinions about some topics (some that I agreed with and others that I did not) he loved my mother, me, and my children passionately, and we loved him passionately in return.
This picture is from my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2010.
I love this one of my Daddy and Colby from the same evening.
And here is one of Daddy with Kendall on her 16th birthday. This is one of the last pictures we have of him.
Daddy was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer in December 2014. Doctors were optimistic about treatment and for a time he did do well. However in early March he took a turn for the worse and his health declined until he was hospitalized during the last week of March. During that last week of his life, we laughed and cried. My kids came often to see him and we did life together right there in the hospital. I even Facetimed my classes on the Wednesday before he passed away on Friday to review them for a test, and Daddy just shook his head at the technology.
As the week progressed his breathing got increasingly labored and he had to utilize a bipap machine to force enough oxygen into his lungs to keep him alive. By Good Friday his lungs and heart couldn't hold out, and Daddy went to be with Jesus with Mama and I by his side. I have never witnessed anyone pass into eternity before and it changes you. It makes the work Jesus did on the cross for all of us to spend eternity with Him very real. It all makes sense then.
As we were planning the memorial service for Daddy we struggled to find the right music for the service. On the way to our Easter service on Sunday morning Kendall reminded me about a song that Daddy absolutely loved, "Lay 'Em Down." He had heard the song on our local Christian radio station 90.7 and was crazy about this song. This was so uncharacteristic for him to be so taken by one particular song. Daddy asked my kids about the song, and even called the radio station and they graciously played it for him. We finally found the CD on Amazon and I paid more for the shipping than the CD. We gave it to him for a gift at Christmas 2013 and he played it repeatedly in his truck.
When Kendall suggested the song I knew instantly she was right. And then it hit me like a brick wall. The group that sings the song is called Need to Breathe. While he was alive, Daddy had no greater need than to breathe. Now that Daddy is with Jesus, he no longer needs earthly breath. He has truly done as the song says and taken the burden of breathing and Laid 'Em Down.
Acts 17:25 says that "He (Jesus) Himself gives everyone life and breath."
If you are not familiar with the song, I would like to share it with you.
Daddy is now more alive than you and I have ever been, and he no longer has a need to breathe. I love you Daddy, and I will see you soon.
There was never a time my Daddy wasn't there, until now. He attended countless dance and piano recitals, watched me cheer for the Pirates for 4 years of football and basketball, and then did the same for my kids years later. Mama and Daddy waited 10 years for a child, and then when I made my appearance I think Daddy decided even though I was a girl, he would try to still instill a love in me for cars and football. It worked. I still love both to this day.
My Daddy was a quiet man, but he led our family with strong Biblical and moral values. He was known to speak his mind in his timing and often if someone asked if I was his daughter I would often reply "Why?" before I answered, just in case he had spoken his mind. Although he held some very strong opinions about some topics (some that I agreed with and others that I did not) he loved my mother, me, and my children passionately, and we loved him passionately in return.
This picture is from my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2010.
I love this one of my Daddy and Colby from the same evening.
And here is one of Daddy with Kendall on her 16th birthday. This is one of the last pictures we have of him.
Daddy was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer in December 2014. Doctors were optimistic about treatment and for a time he did do well. However in early March he took a turn for the worse and his health declined until he was hospitalized during the last week of March. During that last week of his life, we laughed and cried. My kids came often to see him and we did life together right there in the hospital. I even Facetimed my classes on the Wednesday before he passed away on Friday to review them for a test, and Daddy just shook his head at the technology.
As the week progressed his breathing got increasingly labored and he had to utilize a bipap machine to force enough oxygen into his lungs to keep him alive. By Good Friday his lungs and heart couldn't hold out, and Daddy went to be with Jesus with Mama and I by his side. I have never witnessed anyone pass into eternity before and it changes you. It makes the work Jesus did on the cross for all of us to spend eternity with Him very real. It all makes sense then.
As we were planning the memorial service for Daddy we struggled to find the right music for the service. On the way to our Easter service on Sunday morning Kendall reminded me about a song that Daddy absolutely loved, "Lay 'Em Down." He had heard the song on our local Christian radio station 90.7 and was crazy about this song. This was so uncharacteristic for him to be so taken by one particular song. Daddy asked my kids about the song, and even called the radio station and they graciously played it for him. We finally found the CD on Amazon and I paid more for the shipping than the CD. We gave it to him for a gift at Christmas 2013 and he played it repeatedly in his truck.
When Kendall suggested the song I knew instantly she was right. And then it hit me like a brick wall. The group that sings the song is called Need to Breathe. While he was alive, Daddy had no greater need than to breathe. Now that Daddy is with Jesus, he no longer needs earthly breath. He has truly done as the song says and taken the burden of breathing and Laid 'Em Down.
Acts 17:25 says that "He (Jesus) Himself gives everyone life and breath."
If you are not familiar with the song, I would like to share it with you.
Daddy is now more alive than you and I have ever been, and he no longer has a need to breathe. I love you Daddy, and I will see you soon.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
The Impact of One Woman
About a decade ago, a woman by the name of Elaine Moore intersected my path. Though we were both raised in Brunswick with about 15 years between us, our lives had never crossed. We had many mutual friends, and her sister Jan introduced us. Elaine joined my newly started ladies Bible study class, and a fast and deep friendship formed.
I have never met anyone quite like "Lane" (what I called her) and doubt I ever will. Lane was a woman who impacted every single person she met. She was hysterically funny without trying to be. She gave generously to others as if she owned the earth. She studied the Bible tenaciously, and sought for understanding of Truth. She loved every person she came in contact with, with the true love of Christ. Though she never had children of her own, she LOVED her nieces and nephews, and great -nieces and great-nephews as if she had birthed them herself. Family was everything to her. She and Ted shared a loved that I have only rarely ever seen before.
Elaine and I did hard ministry together. Lane and I worked on numerous women's events over the years. There was no one better at rounding up door prizes and finding greeters for anything we hosted. Lane went to some speaking engagements with me and took care of me - always reminding me to "put on my lips." She edited my writings (where is she now??). She always promised to be my assistant - like I had a reason to have an assistant - but it was a fun thought, and I'm pretty sure Neal Cordle (former Minister of Education at FBC) thought we were Thelma and Louise in disguise.
We have sympathized and agonized over the women God placed under our care in our class over the last ten years. We prayed together. We laughed together, and we cried together. We did life together and no one did life better than Elaine.
There are some things I will never look at the same way again: red finger nails, diet coke, Elvis, and her life verse: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This was the verse she clung to dearly. Certainly the Lord's plans for Lane differed from our plans, but our ways are not His ways are they?
Lane, I will miss you dearly. I will miss your quick wit and ability to always make me laugh. I will miss your wisdom and insight. I will miss doing ministry together, my great friend. But I will always cling to your last words you sent me:
"Take care of your Daddy. I'm good. God has a plan."
Yes, sweet Lane. God has a plan. A plan for all who believe, follow, and love. Save me a seat on the 4th row!
I have never met anyone quite like "Lane" (what I called her) and doubt I ever will. Lane was a woman who impacted every single person she met. She was hysterically funny without trying to be. She gave generously to others as if she owned the earth. She studied the Bible tenaciously, and sought for understanding of Truth. She loved every person she came in contact with, with the true love of Christ. Though she never had children of her own, she LOVED her nieces and nephews, and great -nieces and great-nephews as if she had birthed them herself. Family was everything to her. She and Ted shared a loved that I have only rarely ever seen before.
Elaine and I did hard ministry together. Lane and I worked on numerous women's events over the years. There was no one better at rounding up door prizes and finding greeters for anything we hosted. Lane went to some speaking engagements with me and took care of me - always reminding me to "put on my lips." She edited my writings (where is she now??). She always promised to be my assistant - like I had a reason to have an assistant - but it was a fun thought, and I'm pretty sure Neal Cordle (former Minister of Education at FBC) thought we were Thelma and Louise in disguise.
We have sympathized and agonized over the women God placed under our care in our class over the last ten years. We prayed together. We laughed together, and we cried together. We did life together and no one did life better than Elaine.
There are some things I will never look at the same way again: red finger nails, diet coke, Elvis, and her life verse: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This was the verse she clung to dearly. Certainly the Lord's plans for Lane differed from our plans, but our ways are not His ways are they?
Lane, I will miss you dearly. I will miss your quick wit and ability to always make me laugh. I will miss your wisdom and insight. I will miss doing ministry together, my great friend. But I will always cling to your last words you sent me:
"Take care of your Daddy. I'm good. God has a plan."
Yes, sweet Lane. God has a plan. A plan for all who believe, follow, and love. Save me a seat on the 4th row!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Full Circle Contentment
Thanksgiving is here upon us. It forces us to stop and reflect. This year it's hitting me a little harder. In a good kind of way. I have found that I am going one step beyond thankfulness - I'm moving on to contentment. It's taken a long time, a lot of miles and heartache. There have been lots of twists and turns, bumps and bruises along the way. Life doesn't look quite like I expected it would. Yet, by the grace of God, I find that as I sit here tonight, I am content.
Let me see if I can explain this briefly. In my junior year of college I decided that my destiny was to become a Social Studies teacher. I didn't pray about this decision. I just loved high school. Numerous teachers had such a significant impact on me, that I knew I wanted to go back to my high school and do the same thing. I eventually did just that - became a teacher and landed back at my alma mater - Brunswick High School (via Bainbridge High School where, even though I was only there a short time, I have very fond memories of my friends and students there).
In 2000-2003 my life took another series of twists and again by the grace of God I landed right smack in the middle of a incredible group of mentors and MotherWise Ministries. I quit teaching for a brief few years and stayed home with my two children, and worked from home for MotherWise. And I LOVED it. I loved being mentored by these godly women, ministering to other women, and doing whatever they asked me to do - editing, writing, speaking, or organizing. I have never felt so purposeful and like what I was doing had so much meaning.
Then came a bump in the road and I had to go back to teaching and MotherWise really didn't need me anymore. That was HARD. Excruciating. Devastating. A real pruning the vine kinda event. It took me years to get over it - like close to a decade. But this time, when life finally settled down and the fog lifted, I realized something. I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be. I always loved teaching, and people have no idea how much fun teenagers can really be (and yes I even have a teenager of my own.) But this time, it's different. I see my purpose differently. I have become more than just an economics teacher to many kids. I have become mother figure to many - and they have become like children to me.
I can't explain it, and I certainly can't conjure it up. It just is what it is. I love to watch them mature throughout their senior year, and go on to become contributing citizens of society. I love when they show up in my classroom to share their college and military stories. I love to watch the ones who play college sports. My heart swells when I see some of my former students becoming teachers with their own classrooms. I love to see them get married and see pictures of their children. I really love to hear "I miss school, I wish I was still here" because they swore they couldn't wait to graduate! Education is not perfect, and some days it's just down right hard and discouraging. But if it's your calling you stay because it's not about you, it's about the kids.
Some of my colleagues will read this and think I'm nuts, and then many more will get it because they feel the exact same way. A few years ago a senior class nicknamed me "Mama G" and it's stuck and been passed down the line to the current class. I have decided that I'm content with it. I used to be the young, cool, hip teacher, but now with a 16 year old and a 12 year old of my own, not to mention I am now teaching the children of my former students, " school mom" is pretty accurate. From MotherWise to Mama G has been quite the transition back. I have come full circle back where I started at my alma mater not once, but twice, with a very different purpose attempting to influence kids in the most positive ways possible with so much of what I learned during those MotherWise years, and I find myself very content. Happy Thanksgiving, and may you be content where you are.
Let me see if I can explain this briefly. In my junior year of college I decided that my destiny was to become a Social Studies teacher. I didn't pray about this decision. I just loved high school. Numerous teachers had such a significant impact on me, that I knew I wanted to go back to my high school and do the same thing. I eventually did just that - became a teacher and landed back at my alma mater - Brunswick High School (via Bainbridge High School where, even though I was only there a short time, I have very fond memories of my friends and students there).
In 2000-2003 my life took another series of twists and again by the grace of God I landed right smack in the middle of a incredible group of mentors and MotherWise Ministries. I quit teaching for a brief few years and stayed home with my two children, and worked from home for MotherWise. And I LOVED it. I loved being mentored by these godly women, ministering to other women, and doing whatever they asked me to do - editing, writing, speaking, or organizing. I have never felt so purposeful and like what I was doing had so much meaning.
Then came a bump in the road and I had to go back to teaching and MotherWise really didn't need me anymore. That was HARD. Excruciating. Devastating. A real pruning the vine kinda event. It took me years to get over it - like close to a decade. But this time, when life finally settled down and the fog lifted, I realized something. I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be. I always loved teaching, and people have no idea how much fun teenagers can really be (and yes I even have a teenager of my own.) But this time, it's different. I see my purpose differently. I have become more than just an economics teacher to many kids. I have become mother figure to many - and they have become like children to me.
I can't explain it, and I certainly can't conjure it up. It just is what it is. I love to watch them mature throughout their senior year, and go on to become contributing citizens of society. I love when they show up in my classroom to share their college and military stories. I love to watch the ones who play college sports. My heart swells when I see some of my former students becoming teachers with their own classrooms. I love to see them get married and see pictures of their children. I really love to hear "I miss school, I wish I was still here" because they swore they couldn't wait to graduate! Education is not perfect, and some days it's just down right hard and discouraging. But if it's your calling you stay because it's not about you, it's about the kids.
Some of my colleagues will read this and think I'm nuts, and then many more will get it because they feel the exact same way. A few years ago a senior class nicknamed me "Mama G" and it's stuck and been passed down the line to the current class. I have decided that I'm content with it. I used to be the young, cool, hip teacher, but now with a 16 year old and a 12 year old of my own, not to mention I am now teaching the children of my former students, " school mom" is pretty accurate. From MotherWise to Mama G has been quite the transition back. I have come full circle back where I started at my alma mater not once, but twice, with a very different purpose attempting to influence kids in the most positive ways possible with so much of what I learned during those MotherWise years, and I find myself very content. Happy Thanksgiving, and may you be content where you are.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
No Smell of Fire on Them
By now, many of you probably know that my parents' house was hit by lightning and caught fire a couple of weeks ago. It has been a traumatic and devastating event for my family. There are no words to describe such a sudden and unexpected loss. Certainly, it could not compare with losing a loved one, but to find yourself suddenly displaced with almost none of your belongings or clothes, is a life-altering circumstance.
Thank God my parents were home when it happened, for certainly if it the lightning had hit either when they were asleep in the night, or not home, the house and all of their belongings would have been totally destroyed. As it stands, the fire was put out quickly thanks to my mom's quick thinking and the immediate response by the fire department. (Blessings to those men who worked tirelessly in the rain and lightning to stop it.) But, the damage by the smoke from the fire and the water is extensive.
Immediately after the fire was put out, we attempted to retrieve some items, some of which were in the attic. I cannot even describe to you how bad the smoke was. My eyes immediately started stinging and pouring water from the heaviness of the smoke. Every item in the house reeked of smoke - clothes, furniture, papers and pictures. It all STUNK. Looking around I became overwhelmed very quickly with the task of figuring out the best plan of action. I knew I was in over my head and I made two fast calls to friends from church: "I need help" was all that I said.
Within less than an hour, more than 50 people - men, women, youth, kids, from my church showed up to help. And they showed up with coolers, boxes, trucks, and trailers. These selfless people worked in the heat and the stench to completely pack and empty my parents' house of 25 years within about 2-3 hours! They packed an entire house that fast! It's one thing to plan on moving and packing when you have some notice, you acquire boxes and packing materials, and you know WHERE to which you are moving. This was not the case at all. When I was close to a breakdown moment, one friend suggested a storage building was needed. And he took care of it.
Another friend made sure everyone, workers and my family, was fed dinner. Many other people showed up with water and Gatorade. Another brought clean pajamas and necessities for my parents to have to sleep in that night. Some packed, some lifted, and some organized. People came, they served, and they met needs.
I hate that everything revolved around loss and stress, but my parents and I have never been so blessed to witness the body of Christ at work. The response was overwhelming. From food and material items, to physical work, gift cards, and rebuilding help, the love of Christ was poured out like an expensive perfume from an alabaster jar on my family. It reminds me of the story of Daniel and his friends in the fiery furnace. They stood the test of their faith, and when Nebuchadnezzar released them from the fire, Daniel 3:27 says," smell of fire had come upon them."
That was First Baptist Church, Brunswick. We are not perfect because we are a body made up of human beings, but on August 10, 2014, as bad as the house they were working in and the belongings that they were packing smelled like smoke, there was no smell of fire to be found on those who served out of love. Instead, their service was much more like a fragrant offering drifting up to the Lord above.
With much gratitude and love,
Thank God my parents were home when it happened, for certainly if it the lightning had hit either when they were asleep in the night, or not home, the house and all of their belongings would have been totally destroyed. As it stands, the fire was put out quickly thanks to my mom's quick thinking and the immediate response by the fire department. (Blessings to those men who worked tirelessly in the rain and lightning to stop it.) But, the damage by the smoke from the fire and the water is extensive.
Immediately after the fire was put out, we attempted to retrieve some items, some of which were in the attic. I cannot even describe to you how bad the smoke was. My eyes immediately started stinging and pouring water from the heaviness of the smoke. Every item in the house reeked of smoke - clothes, furniture, papers and pictures. It all STUNK. Looking around I became overwhelmed very quickly with the task of figuring out the best plan of action. I knew I was in over my head and I made two fast calls to friends from church: "I need help" was all that I said.
Within less than an hour, more than 50 people - men, women, youth, kids, from my church showed up to help. And they showed up with coolers, boxes, trucks, and trailers. These selfless people worked in the heat and the stench to completely pack and empty my parents' house of 25 years within about 2-3 hours! They packed an entire house that fast! It's one thing to plan on moving and packing when you have some notice, you acquire boxes and packing materials, and you know WHERE to which you are moving. This was not the case at all. When I was close to a breakdown moment, one friend suggested a storage building was needed. And he took care of it.
Another friend made sure everyone, workers and my family, was fed dinner. Many other people showed up with water and Gatorade. Another brought clean pajamas and necessities for my parents to have to sleep in that night. Some packed, some lifted, and some organized. People came, they served, and they met needs.
I hate that everything revolved around loss and stress, but my parents and I have never been so blessed to witness the body of Christ at work. The response was overwhelming. From food and material items, to physical work, gift cards, and rebuilding help, the love of Christ was poured out like an expensive perfume from an alabaster jar on my family. It reminds me of the story of Daniel and his friends in the fiery furnace. They stood the test of their faith, and when Nebuchadnezzar released them from the fire, Daniel 3:27 says," smell of fire had come upon them."
That was First Baptist Church, Brunswick. We are not perfect because we are a body made up of human beings, but on August 10, 2014, as bad as the house they were working in and the belongings that they were packing smelled like smoke, there was no smell of fire to be found on those who served out of love. Instead, their service was much more like a fragrant offering drifting up to the Lord above.
With much gratitude and love,
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