Saturday, August 5, 2017

School Daze

The countdown is on! In just a few short days, the students in my school system return for a year of excitement, learning, and activities. I'm not really sure where the summer went, in fact, I'm really not sure where the last 25 years of teaching has gone. It really has left me in a daze! But the one thing I know is change is inevitable, and helping your student navigate change is important.

Our local system has a staggering amount of change from the top Admin office, down to principals and assistant principals, and on to teachers and parapros. Parents, encourage your child or teen to embrace change in a positive way. We can't stop the changes from occurring, so we have to learn lessons from them.

For us teachers it may be teaching in new ways, learning new things about students and innovative methods to reach those entrusted in our car - all of them - yes, even the one that makes you a little crazy! For parents, it could be new routines, or  new schools. For students, they have new schedules, new teachers and classmates to get to know, and maybe even a few new opportunities for sports or extracurricular activities. Encourage your child to stretch themselves a bit this year!

Just as we teachers have to do, encourage your child or teen to embrace change in a positive way.  I've learned that I cannot stay stagnant - as a mom, teacher, friend or colleague. I have lots to learn from other teachers - young and old alike. Teacher friends, we should never stop learning from each other. That sets a strong example for our students.

Parents, get to know your teachers and their needs. This teaching thing should be a 3-way relationship between the teacher, student, and parent(s). We are a team and we are in this together for the benefit of your student.

Students, if you are in my class get ready! I promise to treat you as if you are my own child and as I want other teachers to treat my biological kids. We've got a lot to do in Economics this year! We've got some state standards to master, and we've got a lot of personal finance to tackle so that you are ready for the "real world" after graduation.

So, to my teacher friends: I wish you the best this school year. I pray for all of us to have energy, patience, wisdom, and creativity. I pray for us to make a difference in our students' lives, and I know our students make a difference in our lives!

Get ready - School Daze are coming!