Monday, January 2, 2012

New Beginnings

I know yesterday actually marked the beginning of 2012, but this post originated from my Bible Study Fellowship lesson from yesterday, so I have waited to post it. Plus new beginnings are at the forefront of our mind on Dec 31st and Jan 1st, but what about on Jan 2nd? Have we already moved into the new year and forgotten about new beginnings?

I know for a fact that God is a God of New Beginning and Second Chances. How do I know? Well, in two because He always provides me with them (mercies new everyday you know) and it is well documented in Scripture. Wherever you find yourself in life in 2012, I think one of these five characters will resonate with you!

Abram (Genesis 12:1-9) A new physical proximity beginning. At age 75, when most people would be downsizing and moving into a small duplex, God called Abram to pack up his wife, nephew, and belongings and move to a new land that God would "show" him. Sometimes God calls us to a new place in the way of the town in which we live, a new job, or a new house which changes our neighbors.

I have been very blessed to live in the same town for the majority of my life. That causes you to set down deep roots with family and friends. I can't imagine how hard it was for Abram to leave - but it's obvious God matched the difficulty with magnitude of blessings he received. Are you facing a new beginning in location? Embrace it and trust God. Seek new opportunities that can accompany a new move!

Ruth (Ruth 2:1-9, 15-16, 4: 9-10) A new financial beginning. Ruth was a destitute, childless, widow. But she professed incredible faith when she insisted on accompanying her mother-in-law, also a widow, back to Bethlehem. This was a risky, difficult trip for two women alone. But Ruth declared that Naomi's "God would be her God" and off they went. So poor that Ruth had to glean in the fields for the leftover grain so they would have food to eat, God stepped into her life in the shoes of a wealthy, noble man named Boaz. God gave her a completely new life - a husband whose wealth and impeccable reputation was known through the land, a child that landed her in the lineage of Jesus Christ, and a legacy that gives hope to all who need rescuing.

The past few years have been financially excruciating for many people as our economy has tumbled. Some of the pain has been caused by poor personal choices, as well as individuals being affected by unavoidable circumstances out of their own control. Doesn't matter, financial stress is financial stress no matter how it began. That might mean however, that we have to take responsibility for our choices and make changes in our saving and spending habits. When we honor God with our finances, tithing, giving, and how we spend the leftovers, He makes a way. Let Ruth's story be an encouragement that those faithful to God will receive His faithfulness in return.

Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-22) A new physical health beginning. Hezekiah was a King of Judah who for the most part, did right in the eyes of the Lord. His reign was characterized by destroying idol worshipping and trusting the Lord in some difficult circumstances. But then came the Word of the Lord telling him to get his house in order, he had contracted an infection and was going to die. Hezekiah cried out to the Lord, who heard his prayer, healed him, and added fifteen years to his life. WOW! Sometimes the Lord heals physical illnesses and sometimes He doesn't. I can't explain how He chooses where to heal and where to give the ultimate healing of taking his children to glory, and I'm ok with that. I rest in the Lord's decisions are sovereign. Doesn't make it any easier to let go of loved ones...just rests my mind.

But, Hezekiah's story does teach us that sometimes the Lord does choose to heal. We should always pray for physical healing and for miracles. In 2010 one of my closest friends battled cancer. Her resolve and faith were a testimony to all who watched her stand and sing of God's goodness each week in worship with her head wrapped in the trendiest scarf another mutual friend could find for her. Be faithful to pray for physical healing of those who God intertwines your path. View it as an honor and privilege to petition for healing. And if you need the physical healing cry out as Hezekiah did and implore others to intercede for you as well.

Joseph (Genesis 45: 1-15) A new relational beginning. Joseph's story is a bit complicated. His father favored him over all his brothers (beware favoring one of your children!), his brothers really resented the favoritism (guard your heart against jealousy!), and as a result Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. They led their father to believe Joseph had been killed by a wild animal and they thought the story was over. Key word: thought! In the meantime God went to work overtime in Joseph's life. He spent some time in prison due to false accusations, was forgotten when he should have been remembered, and eventually through ways only God can work, rose to power to 2nd in command next to Pharaoh in Egypt. Eventually back in Canaan, a famine struck the land and the brothers set out in search of food. Of course, Egypt was the only place that had food, due to Joseph's God-given wisdom and skill of planning. So the stage is set, and you can only imagine what happens: Joesph runs smack into the brothers that sold him into slavery years before. What do you do with that? Well if you are Joseph, who relied on God for everything, you choose to forgive and reconcile.

Relationships are the hardest aren't they? They get messy....we are selfish...emotions run high. But still, Joseph's story is a living testimony that God can reconcile even the most difficult relationships - betrayal, hurt, jealousy, all abound yet forgiveness trumps even the deepest hurts and emotions. If you are in need of reconciling a damaged relationship, ask God to give you eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to feel all the emotions the other person is experiencing. Ask God to help you to forgive - remember forgiving someone doesn't mean that they weren't wrong or they didn't hurt you - it just means you are releasing both of you from all of the mess. Forgiveness is as much for you as it is them. What if you need to be forgiven? Ask God to give you the opportunity and courage to seek it!

Paul (Acts 9:1-22) A new spiritual beginning. Paul, originally called Saul until God gave him a new beginning, was at the top of his game. A Hebrew of Hebrews, a scholar, a leader in the temple, and a hater of all who followed Christ. A hater to the point of murder. And then on a trip to Damascus, God stepped into his life and changed the future of the church by giving this one man a new beginning. With a strike of light, God struck Saul blind and left him that way for three days. During that time God while Paul couldn't see, God gave sight in the form a vision to a man named Ananias. Ananias was to go where Paul had been taken and pray for him to regain his sight. Ok, so I know this sounds like physical healing, but the truth is when Saul/Paul's sight returned it returned with eyes that now saw who Jesus really was. And it wasn't that he just saw, he then began proclaiming to everyone that Jesus was the Son of God. That would be a 180 degree turn from where he was just a short time earlier. Paul experienced a true new spiritual beginning.

We can begin a new spiritual beginning at any time as well. It often starts with a desire for something more, a need to be filled that we cannot find anywhere else. This happened to me at 30 and I have never been the same since. The question becomes then, have you ever had a new spiritual beginning? Have you met Jesus like Paul? Or have you become complacent in your spiritual walk? No better time to make changes than right now. Pick up your Bible and read. Visit a church if you have been out of touch for a while. If you have been seeking Jesus, what new spiritual disciplines need fine tuning? Scripture memory? Fasting (YIKES! Yes, I'm Baptist, but fasting is Biblical!) Journaling? Tithing?

Wherever you are today in 2012, remember that new beginnings are possible and they all begin with Jesus!


  1. It was excellent the first time I heard it and better the second time around. As I said in class I have been complacent in my walk with
    God and the message of the last several days about this has really hit home. Please pray for me as I get to know God better. Thanks Pam!

  2. Awesome post! I've missed your blogging!
