Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life Lessons I Learned from Neal Cordle

Over the last seven years I have learned many "life lessons" from Neal Cordle. While Neal IS Bro. Neal, he is also a great friend and mentor, and I will dearly miss interacting with him and his family on a regular basis. So...while I could fill volumes with what I have learned from Neal, I am going to attempt to sum it up to ten! Here goes:

10. The VBS Snack Room - The Vacation Bible School Snack Room at FBC Brunswick has a great legacy. This is NOT the snacks for the children mind you, but for the volunteers (and staff). While I have not been able to join in this effort the last two years, from my previous experience, Neal is a snack room connoisseur. He makes sure to meet and greet and taste and enjoy. Neal taught me in that small, often warm room, that snacks tie people together - physically and spiritually. More than just snacking went on in there...relationships were built around that snack table. And they were nurtured and they grew. If you are ever around during VBS time, drop by the Snack Room - and Neal - you always have an open invitation.

 9. Dairy Queen - We'll continue the food theme here. While Neal has been a bit health conscience over the last year or so, he reminds me frequently through Twitter and Facebook, that once in a while it's ok to ignore the fat, calories, and sugar and indulge in a DQ blizzard. Great reminder to have balance in our lives!

 8. Look Across Generations - Neal is a master at this. There are few that can transcend generations from the 2 year old class to the BSF classes that promote to heaven, but Neal does it with grace and ease. Neal's example is a constant reminder to acknowledge and connect with all...we truly all are family.

 7. Unplug - While Neal is a techy whiz whom I have consulted tech services on multiple occasions, he's not afraid to unplug for a few days at a time. Neal knows the value of letting go of constant activity and connectivity, to seek the Lord's face and to connect with his biological family. Most of us probably need to revisit this one often!

 6. St. Arbucks - There are few people that love St. Arbucks as much as Neal and I do. We don't agree on our preferred drinks and that's ok (his is cheaper when I buy him one anyway!) but we both love to find St. Arbucks everywhere we go. Neal is the person that taught me it was ok to be as crazy as I am about Starbucks because there WAS a St. Arbucks. And Neal has taught me that a lot of ministry can happen over a small (or Venti) cup of coffee (or non-fat, skinny, raspberry mocha with no whip).

 5. Let Others Lead - It has been a privilege to execute many events, conferences, retreats, etc under Neal's direction and leadership. Neal has taught me the best way to lead is to let others lead in their giftedness. That is where true leaders are made.

 4. Trust - This one goes hand in hand with #5. Neal has taught me to trust others with the gifts that God has entrusted to them. Neal has given me extensive freedom in women's ministry in our church. I know he has always checked up on me when I wasn't teaching the standard curriculum, (Ok I never have) yet Neal has always given me the freedom to teach my ladies what the Lord was teaching me.

 3. Listen - I can't tell you how many countless times I have plopped down in Neal's office with a problem or issue, and he let me ramble, cry, rant, or all of the above simultaneously, and he just listened. Neal will TELL you he is not a counselor or therapist, yet he is one of the best listeners I have ever met. Often by the time I was finished with my tirade, an answer had appeared and Neal just listened to me. That's a valuable lesson I will take throughout ministry.

 2. Relationships are Vital - This one connects a bit back to #8. Neal is connected all over our church. Yet he has a few close relationships that I know sustain him. He and Joan are amazing to watch as a couple married for many years. Their apparent spiritual connection is obvious to all. His children adore him (and act just like him might I add) and the church body has incredible respect for him. Neal has taught me to pour into the relationships with my family first, with my sisters in Christ, and with my church body.

 1. The Wilderness - I have held it together until this point, but this is where it gets tender. When my life was falling apart Neal said, "I have a Word for you.....Don't try to get out of the wilderness too fast... God has lessons there for you." Truer words have never been spoken. The wilderness was lengthy, intense, and at times, almost too much to bear. Oh but the treasures God taught me there! Many times I was tempted to bolt from the wilderness, even though I had no idea where to go, but Neal's words haunted me. We will all face our own wildernesses, whether we put ourselves there, or God allows us to go there. Take your time and feel every emotion God created you to feel and learn every lesson God intended to teach you. That is the greatest lesson Neal Cordle has ever taught me.

Neal, Joan, Tracey, and Josh - I wish you all the blessings God can bestow on your family and your ministry. Fruit Cove is receiving probably the biggest blessing they will ever receive. You will be greatly missed by many.

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you." Numbers 6:24-25


  1. Wow!!! What a perfect summation for a great man of God, his ministry and family. Thank you Pam for writing this.

  2. Well said, Pam. I always like Neal's sermons. They are like Sunday School lessons with several hundred people.

    Thanks for 7 great years, Neal.

  3. This is great Pam! Love your writing! And Neal, you are loved so much more than you will ever know. We know the Lord has mighty things for you to accomplish. Best wishes to you and your sweet family.
