Monday, December 24, 2012

When Mary Dropped Jesus...

A week or so ago I attended Colby's school recital. For the most part it was the normal telling of the Christmas story with Colby's class performing a play that intertwined the story with a sci-fi twist about traveling through time in an attempt to visit Bethlehem. The younger classes - preschool age- were used as the shepherds and angels in the Christmas story. One lucky little girl and boy were chosen to portray Mary and Joseph, and they were dressed in what you normally see little children dressed in these events.

As the play is progressing just as you would expect, the unexpected happened! Mary's head wrap fell off her head! So as any proper young lady would, she leaned over to pick it up. But in the process she forgot about the baby Jesus she was cradling in her arms! Baby Jesus (just a doll, not a real baby for those of you picturing a live nativity) landed up on the floor! But get this - when Mary realized what had happened she lost it! She began wailing (VERY loudly!!) uncontrollably and she was not to be consoled! Someone tried quickly to hug her, hand her the baby and assure her it was ok to go on with the play, but she was having none of it! Mary was devastated that she had dropped baby Jesus and they had to wrap her up and remove her from the play. Thank goodness the play was almost at the end!

But what about the lessons there if you ponder a bit...First...How often do we drop Jesus? I do it at some point everyday in my reactions, actions, or thoughts. Are we dropping Him now during the very season we are to be celebrating Him? Are we too wrapped up in gifts, travel, decorations, or cooking so that we cannot focus on Him and how He would have us to celebrate by worshipping and serving others? I realize it's Christmas Eve now, but make sure to pause sometime today to worship and if you feel led to serve by blessing a family in some way do it! Toby Mac keeps reminding me  "You ain't living til you choose to give love, joy, peace to one of His!"

Second - when we realize we have dropped Jesus, what is our reaction? Do we come undone like Mary did, or do we just go about our day with an "oh well" reaction? Undone is good. Hopefully a reaction like that will keep us close and from dropping Jesus frequently. Our hearts should break when we drop the One who gave every blood drop in His body for us to have salvation, abundant life, grace, and mercy - the best Christmas presents anyone can receive.

In the Christmas story in Luke 2:25, Simeon was described as righteous and devout and He was LOOKING for Jesus. The Bible says he was looking forward to Israel's consolation. What a thought. Consolation. Maybe we should have told Mary in the play all she had to do was pick up her consolation. Maybe that's something we all need to hear. If Christmas is not a season of enjoyment this year, Jesus is your consolation. Just pick Him up, and if you by chance happen to drop Him along the way during the year, remember He will console you because He is consolation. Merry Christmas from a fellow Jesus dropper.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the analogy. At first I was giggling over that poor little girl's mishap, but then I realized the depth of the event. So so true!
