Sunday, September 8, 2013

I Messed Up...Again

I knew what I was supposed to do, but I got busy! I knew on Monday of last week that I was feeling the gentle pressure of the Lord to speak a word of encouragement to a "sister-friend" at school. I knew she had been through a tough, ongoing physical ordeal, and that I needed to just remind her that she has had in the past, and continues to have, an incredible impact on the lives of many of "our kids." (They become "your kids" when you spend 90 minutes a day with them for 18 weeks!)

But I got to work on Tuesday and immediately started putting out fires that could have waited...fires that I could have put out after I went and encouraged my friend. But I didn't. I was disobedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. And there were consequences to my disobedience.

When I finally did make it by her classroom TWO DAYS LATER, she was emotionally distraught. She was in a negative situation that wasn't getting better. And I couldn't speak the words that I knew I was supposed to at that point. There wasn't room for the words she so desperately needed at that moment. And I KNEW I had messed up...and it hurt my heart. It hurt my heart to see my friend hurting - physically and emotionally. It also hurt my heart that I had disobeyed God when I KNEW what He told me to do.

I didn't intentionally disobey. I just got distracted. And distraction cost me the opportunity to bless someone I dearly care about, and it cost her emotionally. Yes, I did get to speak to her eventually and she was still blessed, but I missed it in the moment that she needed it most. Actually, the Lord was sending me to her BEFORE she got to such a desperate point, where I possibly could have prevented her meltdown. I know the Lord forgives me and He can clean up my mess, but I didn't give the Lord or my friend my best...just the leftovers.

I don't want the Lord to have to clean up my messes. Instead, I want to hear "Well done good and faithful servant." So, I'm sharing this with you so you won't make the same mess I did. If the Lord impresses on your heart to speak to someone, be gracious and give to someone in need, or to stop to help someone, don't delay! Do it immediately! Deuteronomy 28 reminds us that blessings will overtake us when we are obedient and likewise, curses are the result of disobedience.

Hmm...being blessed or being cursed? You don't have to think too long on that one do you? I would prefer to being overtaken by a blessing any day of the week. an effort to make it up to my school friend - and to any of you that I have also missed blessing- please let me speak one over you now:

"The Lord bless you and protect you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26

Blessings over you my friend!

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