Sunday, June 22, 2014

Feel Like You are Going in Circles?

Today while in line at McDonald's (don't judge me you people who eat healthy! I was getting soft ice cream for the tonsillectomy victim/patient!) Colby pointed out a bird to me that was circling in the sky high above. Circle after circle endlessly. Other birds were swooping (I think that's a word?) around in various directions and landing, but this one bird kept going around and around.

I too, have felt like that bird must feel. Like I'm in an endless, unproductive cycle. I have sensed the past few days the Lord speaking to me, reminding me of a grudge that needs forgiveness, (probably something that was a misunderstanding, but I held onto it regardless) reminding me that I cannot live in the past and continue moving ahead - no matter how good some of the old days were, nor can I continue to relive the bad days.

We can all get caught up in our own types of circling - the way we spend our time, the way we spend our money,  the way we relate to others, our attitudes, or habits.

If I am going to be an effective mother, social studies teacher, Bible teacher, and follower of Christ, then it's time to stop circling. Psalm 23:3 says, "He renews my life, He leads me along the right paths for His name sake." Somewhere I forgot to follow the right path and started circling aimlessly without intentional focus. I planned for this to be an intentional year, but somewhere in the craziness of life I got lost circling not doing anything terribly wrong, but yet I have been wasting time and resources, missing needs and opportunities to share the Hope I carry.

But it's time to stop. It's safe to land and follow The Path. Anyone else need to come in for a landing with me?


  1. I understood and could relate to this completely. I catch myself circling with how I spend my money and I try to pay attention to impulse spending or retail therapy. Thanks for the reminder and nice blog, Pam. Tim Gentry

  2. Thanks for your comments Tim. I'm being INTENTIONAL today - no more circling! Blessings to you!

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