Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Impact of One Woman

About a decade ago, a woman by the name of Elaine Moore intersected my path. Though we were both raised in Brunswick with about 15 years between us, our lives had never crossed. We had many mutual friends, and her sister Jan introduced us. Elaine joined my newly started ladies Bible study class, and a fast and deep friendship formed.

I have never met anyone quite like "Lane" (what I called her) and doubt I ever will. Lane was a woman who impacted every single person she met. She was hysterically funny without trying to be. She gave generously to others as if she owned the earth. She studied the Bible tenaciously, and sought for understanding of Truth. She loved every person she came in contact with, with the true love of Christ. Though she never had children of her own, she LOVED her nieces and nephews, and great -nieces and great-nephews as if she had birthed them herself. Family was everything to her. She and Ted shared a loved that I have only rarely ever seen before.

Elaine and I did hard ministry together. Lane and I worked on numerous women's events over the years. There was no one better at rounding up door prizes and finding greeters for anything we hosted. Lane went to some speaking engagements with me and took care of me - always reminding me to "put on my lips." She edited my writings (where is she now??). She always promised to be my assistant - like I had a reason to have an assistant - but it was a fun thought, and I'm pretty sure Neal Cordle (former Minister of Education at FBC) thought we were Thelma and Louise in disguise.

We have sympathized and agonized over the women God placed under our care in our class over the last ten years. We prayed together. We laughed together, and we cried together. We did life together and no one did life better than Elaine.

There are some things I will never look at the same way again: red finger nails, diet coke, Elvis, and her life verse: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This was the verse she clung to dearly. Certainly the Lord's plans for Lane differed from our plans, but our ways are not His ways are they?

Lane, I will miss you dearly. I will miss your quick wit and ability to always make me laugh. I will miss your wisdom and insight. I will miss doing ministry together, my great friend. But I will always cling to your last words you sent me:

"Take care of your Daddy. I'm good. God has a plan."
Yes, sweet Lane. God has a plan. A plan for all who believe, follow, and love. Save me a seat on the 4th row!

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