Monday, January 4, 2010

The Perfect Plan

As usual when God wants to get my attention about something, He presses the same verse into me over and over again. At first I didn't pay close attention because Jeremiah 29:11 is such a familiar verse in church circles. But, the Lord had me back up to the beginning of the chapter and take it apart very slowly. What I found amazed me, and I think if you will stick with me for a few minutes it will amaze you too!

This chapter includes a letter the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Israelites who were in captivity in Babylon. This captivity had been prophesied and was a result of the disobedience of the Israelites to follow their God (who by the way is your God and my God too!) In this letter Jeremiah was attempted to instruct them how to live in the Babylonian culture and also to encourage them that it would not last forever. Over and over in the chapter Jeremiah refers to the Israelites as exiles. Ok, this is where it gets interesting.

You see, I think all of us have been in "exile" at some point in our life, or perhaps that is where we find ourselves now! Captive to something we don't want to be. So, if that is where we are, how can we be encouraged in a difficult place, circumstance, relationship, or situation? Well, to begin with we really have to understand the orginal meanings in the Scriptures.

The word "exile" has several meanings: to remove or be led into captivity; revelation; an opening of the eyes or ears; secret; or to uncover. It is that last definition that I find most fascinating: uncover. This is the same word used when Ruth uncovered the feet of Boaz in the book of Ruth, (see Ruth Chapter 3) petitioning him to rescue and redeem her. It is the idea that our shame or sin is uncovered in the eyes of God. It is also us simply being vulnerable and helpless in front of our God.

Now that you understand who or what an exile is, listen to Jeremiah 29: 10-11 "For thus says the Lord, 'When 70 years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans that I have for you' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope."

As we break down these verses we find that the word completed means to cover. Did you notice it's the exact opposite of exile? So the Lord is saying to us, that in His timing when He visits (which means to come to the aid of) of, He takes our shame and reverses it and restores and covers us. Think back to Ruth chapter 3! When Boaz realized Ruth had uncovered his feet she petitioned him to "spread his covering over her!" This meant he would redeem and restore her, and cover any shame she had as a widow!

Even the term "bring you back" in verse 10 means to recover and restore! God is clearly encouraging us in these verses that He is for us, that He is the One to make right what is wrong in our lives. He heals the wounds, He fulfills His promises to us and He restores what is lost.

And it gets better! In verse 11 we see "plans for a future and hope." The word hope has several different meanings: expectation and the thing we long for. Those aren't suprises. It is just what hope sounds like. BUT it also means "cord." It's the very same word used for the scarlet cord that Rahab let down to signal to the Israelites where her family was located so they would spare their lives. (If you don't know that story check it out at Joshua Chapter 2 and don't forget that Rahab became the mother of Boaz!!!) That cord represented the hope for a brand new life established in the Lord.

So now you are probably asking the most important question: "What does this have to do with me?" It has EVERYTHING to do with you!

These verses so clearly illustrate that our hope in Christ is so very real. God has a magnificent plan for all believers - individually and corporately - in churches, in the nations and worldwide. He has a wonderful plan to release us from the things that hold us captive, uncover our shame and guilt, and then release, restore and cover us with His love and His blessings. He is so faithful to do such a work in His people and encourage us as we wait for Him.

What is it in your life that needs uncovering and covering? What is it that you need release from? What are you hoping for in and through Him? We are not a people without hope. Our God is for us and not against us. Your hope is very real when it is found in Him. May He do more abundantly than you can think to ask or imagine in your life!

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