Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Faithful Family

This morning in worship I was overwhelmed as I looked around me. I saw faces of all different ages and stages of life, different races, and different personalities, yet we all worshipped the same God together. I felt surrounded and encompassed by the love of my church family. I also felt many of their hurts, pains, and fears.

That's what family does - we love and we take care of each other. From the very beginning way back in Numbers 10, God commanded the "entire community" to gather together at the Tent of Meeting for worship. We can also see the same unity and worship in the early church in Acts as they loved, supported and encouraged each other.

This morning all around me were many brothers and sisters in Christ who are enduring today trials and storms of all sorts including health issues, financial issues, addictions, persecutions, and crises of their faith. On the other hand, I also see faces of those who have found liberty in Christ and healing for their wounds for many of the same problems. Their triumphs and victories encourage me each time I see them.

It's not an accident that we are all on this path together. God knew thousands of years ago that we would need to live as family and community helping one another, praying together, ministering to each other and simply just being there together through this journey of life. Sometimes just seeing a face in our church family and knowing that person survived the road you are walking now is enough of a reminder of God's faithfulness.

I am so thankful for God's faithfulness in my life and for how He has demonstrated that through His own people in our church family. As we gather to worship each week, lets be reminded that our lives are constant living testimonies. If we have passed a significant landmark, we should be reaching back for those behind us showing them the way. If we are struggling to make it to the next landmark, there are many around us to look to for examples of God's grace and mercy..

FBC Family - I love you and I'm thankful for each of you that have poured into my life. May we all be faithful to pour out on another and be a faithful family!

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