Monday, November 25, 2013

Thankfulness is a Verb

So it's the time of year we pause to focus on the people and things for which we are thankful. I have watched with interest as people have been listing on Facebook their "thankful" list. It is definitely a positive action to recognize our blessings and things we often take for granted such as health, friendships, or our jobs. But I got kinda curious as to what giving thanks ought to look like from a Biblical perspective. And what I found is that not only is Thankfulness is an action verb but we are instructed on HOW to give thanks. I hope the next few minutes gives you a different perspective on Thanksgiving.
Psalm 100 is very brief but it spells out five ways to give thanks:

1. Shout triumphantly to the Lord. Yes, shout means shout. That poses a problem for many conservative evangelists. Shouting doesn't seem reverent or worshipful. But it is public and your faith in Christ should be public. We give a shout out to our favorite teams or people...why not your Savior?

2. Serve the Lord with delight or cheerfulness. My "do" people like this one! Here serve means to expend considerable energy or intensity in a task. So...we are expressing thankfulness when we serve others to the point that it sometimes drains us. I was really thankful I don't have a two year old after I served in the two year old room last Sunday. They were precious and hysterical to watch in action and I glad to enable a weary mom to attend Bible study. But, I was also glad to return them to their rightful owners. I have also served in teaching Bible studies and speaking at women's events where I had nothing else left to give when I was done. I found myself thankful for what I watched the Lord do in those situations that I could never have done.

3. Know that the Lord is God. To know means to acquire information by experience. What is your experience with God? Who is God to you? I have experienced the Lord not only as Savior, but also as Redeemer, Defender, Provider, Husband, and the list goes on. This knowledge has been acquired over time through daily life experiences much like growing an earthly relationship. Verse 3 says that we are His. Did you know that? Do you acknowledge it? When we acknowledge the One that created us and sustains us we are expressing thanks.

4. Enter His gates with thanksgiving. Enter means to come back from a prior point. Have you drifted far away? Has your relationship with God waned? If so, simply enter back into relationship with Him using points 1-4. He hasn't moved anywhere. Give a confession of thankfulness that He never left you.

5. Give thanks and praise His name.  Sometime this week, instead of telling the social media world, sit quietly with the Lord and tell HIM your thankful list. I love when my children thank me for something - it tells me they acknowledge my sacrifice to provide it. How much more would it please our heavenly Father to hear our thankful list? Praise His name specifically. One day all will bow and acknowledge only His name - go ahead and start practicing!

But what if you are struggling to find your thankful list? For many the holidays are reminders of hurts, loved ones no longer with us, and struggles that threaten to drown us. You have to KNOW (#3) that your God is good no matter what. If you are searching for that, I challenge you to start slowly with #1 and work your way down the list. That word SHOUT in step 1 also means the beginning of a battle cry. Fight your battle knowing that God is for you and not against you. He wants to be all you need in this season. He's tough enough to take your hurts, doubts, and fears. Turn your focus off those feelings and onto Him instead.

As for thankful list is pretty long, but know that I am thankful for You!

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