Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why Did They Cheat?

It's a disappointment every teacher experiences at some time: some of my students cheated on my test. It became very obvious as I graded the test that a handful of students made uncharacteristically high grades on this test that was a bit tougher than normal. Evidently, some student(s) helped themselves to the key of the test which was in a folder on my desk, used their phones to take pictures of the key and then they proceeded to text the answers out. With the help of my assistant principal, we resolved the issue and since the integrity of the test had been compromised, the test had to be given again.

As you ponder the situation, the question becomes, "why did they cheat?"

In all fairness, I think there are multiple answers to that question. A few students acted in desperation because they currently have low grades and they saw this as a last ditch effort to bring their grades up. Some cheated, not because they didn't know the material or have good grades, they didn't trust themselves when they had the chance to use the answers. For others, the temptation was just too great. And of course, it was much easier than actually studying and learning all the information.

Are you and I any different than my students? Why do we think we always need all of "the answers" to everything life throws at us?

Sometimes in the earthly realm, there are no answers for questions like, Why does my child suffer?, Why do I have cancer?, Why did my marriage fall apart?, Why can't I find a job?, or the ultimate question, Why didn't God heal _______________?

Sometimes there is just no answer key to these questions. And we have to learn to be ok with that.

On the other hand, there is ALWAYS one answer: JESUS. Ephesians 2:14 tells us that Jesus is our Peace. When you can't find an answer to a question, you can find Peace in the absence of answers.

Jesus - the answer to your financial problems. Jesus - the answer to your health problems. Jesus - the answer to your marital problems. Jesus - the answer to your children's problems. Jesus - the answer to your career problems and any other problem you encounter. He is the ONLY answer.

Jesus was not randomly sent to earth to turn water into wine or heal the blind. Jesus was answers to those problems, but He is so much bigger. He is Salvation, Grace, Refuge, Provision, Healer, Strength, and Power.

If you are not living a life where Jesus is all those things to you and more, you are cheating yourself out of the life that was intended for you to live. You are no different than my students searching for answers in the wrong places. Rather than learning, they took the easy way out - and ultimately failed. Every time you search for answers and relief in shopping, eating, drinking, coveting, gossiping, relationships, or anything else, you are CHEATING yourself out of the most intimate, sweetest relationship possible.

If you aren't currently searching for Jesus, He is not hard to find! The Shepherds watching their flocks by night were the first to search for Jesus. The Scriptures in Luke 2 say when they hurried off seeking Him, they found Him! When you seek Christ, He doesn't make Himself hard to be found.

Search, seek, and study the Word made flesh. If you find yourself questioning and pondering on this and not quite sure what to do with it - talk to someone you KNOW is a Bible-believing friend or comment here. Don't cheat yourself on what is the most important test in your life!

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